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There are four main competitive disciplines in CRW:
- 4 Way Rotations
- 4 Way Sequential
- 8 Way Speed
- 2 Way Sequential (introduced at world level in 2005 World Cup).
I have decided to split up all the information relating to
the four competitive disciplines of CRW into two areas. These are:
- "What To Do" = RESULT/GOAL/OBJECTIVE. The focus is on where
you are getting to, what the competition rules and
regulations are (i.e the
starting and finishing points). The page you are reading right now is the
introduction to the "What To Do" section.
- "How To Do" =
TECHNIQUE/STEPS/JOURNEY. This is where you can learn details about the steps, techniques,
strategies, and skills required to achieve the objective (i.e. steps from
starting to finishing points).
If you want to know what happened in the past, go to the history
page. If you want to know the complete regulations regarding participation
in CRW (including safety, training, & competition), go to the regulations
section. If you want to download documents, files, and media not related to
rules & regulations, go to the resources
Competition Progression
CRW competition typically follows the following progression:
LOCAL (DZ, Boogie, State, etc)

NATIONAL (Country)

REGIONAL (Continental)

There are two main international
competitions. The premier event is “The World Parachuting Championships
– Canopy Formation”. This event determines which nation wins the right
to be called "World Champion". The second event is “The World Cup
– Canopy Formation”. This event is used as a practice event, both for
to build international competition experience and for the FAI to test changes to competition
regulations & new events. An example is the 2 Way CF Sequential competition
included at the World Cup in 2005.
There are several regional championships such as the Asian & European cups.
The regional areas are defined by the FAI as:
- Asia
- Africa
- Europe
- Oceania
- North America
- South America
In most cases, regional competitions are
either bypassed, invitational, or open entry affairs.
Championships are used throughout the world to determine National Champions.
Each country has specific rules & criteria regarding national team
selection. In most cases, anyone can enter their local, state, or national
championship without the need to pre-qualify. But you usually must win your
National Championship to be selected into your National Team to compete at World
level competitions.
Each nation is only allowed to enter one team in the 4 and 8 way events at The
World Championships. Multiple teams can be entered into a World Cup event or the
2 way event.
If you want to represent another country, there may be a minimum waiting period
(typically 3 years) before you can represent another nation.
Latest Competition News
Summary of Changes IPC 2005
Canopy Formation
- Addition of a two way sequential event. This will be first held in Eloy at
the World Cup in 2005.
- Exit altitude shall be 1850 m (~6,000 ft) AGL
- Working time is 60 seconds.
- Five points will be drawn for each jump.
- Maximum of 4 teams per nation for the WC.
- 6 formations were created. Canopy A on top at the left, right and
centre, and canopy B on top at the left, right and centre.
- For all sequential and rotations events
working time starts 30 seconds after exit or with the completion of the
first formation.
- 4 way sequential exit altitude 8200 feet, working time 120
- Definition of Plane/Stack to include Riser.
- Exit altitude can also be raised for clouds at low level that affect
- Problems with a team’s equipment are not grounds for a rejump except
video equipment in some circumstances.
- The Meet Director will use STANDBY to indicate competitors must be on site and
calls may be given at any time. RELEASED will be used to indicate competitors are
not required and will be accompanied by a time when Standby reoccurs.
Following are notes & other ideas relevant to
this section that require further development. Please ignore.
Coaching Resources
- top teams in the world (Russia, France, USA, etc)
- top individuals in the world (?????)
- coaching resources in Australia + strengths and
weaknesses ????? + commitment level
Training For Competition
- timing & scoring tips - judging versus
training benefits / techniques
- what statistics you should measure
- jump amount / frequency program
- dirt dives
- debrief
- physical training (strength, endurance, etc)
- mental training
- recognising deficiencies
- overcoming deficiencies
- variations in training technique between the
events (rots, sequ. speed)
- coaching
- daily routines
- training camp schedules - training regime
- pre camp preparation
- progression
- refresher
- basics
- skill development
- speed
- fine tuning, putting it all together
- Canopy Pentahlon - combination of accuracy, swoop,
CRW, parabatics, freestyle - to be run like the gymnastics competitions
- freestyle parachuting - evolve canopy discipline
like freefall has gone from flat to vertical
- 4 Way Rotations
- 4 Way Sequential
- 8 Way Speed
- 2 Way Sequential
- 6 Way Speed with more points
- 2 Way Rotations
- 3 Way Rotations
- combinations of above events (i.e. 4 Way Rotations
& 4 Way Sequential)
- Parabatics (as per Lyall)
Judging section - what they look for and how they do it
Competition camera - what are the musts (see judging)
How To Achieve Excellent Scores / Points / Times
- minimise distance travelled
- consistency in formations
- flying discipline - efficiency
- compatibility (equipment, configuration, people)
Information for organisers of CRW competitions - how to
minimise problems, effort, & costs and maximise efficiency
Successful CRW Teams
What makes successful CRW teams? A number of factors are
evident in the various eras of domination in CRW. They are:
- intense effort and training in disciplines / events that have just been
introduced to the competition program. It normally takes a while for all
nations to catch on. This is the "get in early" philosophy.
- localised clusters of intense competition. The Toogoolawah experience in
the first decade of CRW competition produced a number of World Championship
medals for Australia. The same can be said for our neighbours in New
Zealand. If you have high levels of competition involving several regular
teams, the performance improves faster and to a higher level.
- long term team development programs. Teams that stick together over a
number of World Meet campaigns tend to perform better. Examples include the
French at all levels (good support from their Government & Federation),
Early Openers, the Canadian Sequential teams, the Chinese Rotations teams,
the current Russian Rotations team,
- lots of jumps.
- high level coaching from people impartial to team members.
- clear definition of goals within a team. Alliance of goals is critical -
if you don't want the same things, get someone else who does.
- each individual member is honest about their own performance within the
- team has regular meetings to discuss & resolve challenges.