[ APF ] [ FAI ]There are rules and regulations for CRW safety & training requirements, and for competition & performance requirements. In general, most federations adopt the competition rules developed by the FAI, but there may be some local variation. So check the FAI rules for international competitions and your national parachuting federation for local competition, general safety, & training regulations. I have split the rules & regulations as follows:
Australian Parachute Federation (APF)The links below will get you to the current complete Operational Regulations and Sporting Code. If you want a CRW specific summary of these, click on the buttons in the left menu. If these links are invalid for whatever reason, go to APF Publications, or the APF Website. Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI)The FAI Sporting Code deals with three major areas:
You may also want to check out the latest rules regarding anti-doping. Go to the World anti-doping Agency for more information. If these links are invalid or to check for the latest versions, go to FAI Sporting Code, FAI Parachuting Documents, or the FAI Website. To access all FAI Parachuting documents, click me.
This site is developed and maintained by Tom Begic. Send mail to
Tom with any feedback.