[ Prerequisites ] [ Information ] [ Instructors ] [ Equipment ] [ Training Programs ] [ Aircraft ] [ Dive Planning ] [ Exit ] [ Setup ] [ Docking ] [ Maneouvres ] [ Break Off ] [ Flight Path ] [ Landings ] [ Weather ] [Other ]IntroductionAs discussed on the Safety & Training page, there are many factors that affect the safety of CRW parachutists. It should also be re-emphasized that a structured training program, a suitably qualified instructor, CRW specific equipment, and adherence to fundamental safety and technique principles will go a long way to keeping a CRW jumper safe. Following are a series of tips & tricks and do's and do not's that will assist in keeping you safe. Again, there are more details throughout the OzCRW website. Prerequisite Skills & ExperiencesObviously, prior general parachuting experience is essential. But there are certain skills that you can develop whilst making those jumps. The benefit in terms of safety is that you will be able to respond better to emergency situations or avoid them in the first place if you know what is going on and how things work. These skills include:
Some experience in non contact CRW would be beneficial so that you are already comfortable flying in close proximity to other canopies. This allows the time spent with a CRW instructor to be on actually doing CRW instead of getting used to the idea. Many of these skills will be covered in the introductory CRW theory lesson. But it should be a refresher lesson only, not an introduction of new information. Otherwise the theory course will not be as affective and less time will be spent on the CRW specific theory. Coupled with this is the fact that most people will have accumulated at least 100 jumps (this number is variable) prior to doing CRW and they could and should have used that time to develop the skills mentioned above. Those skills are relevant to general parachuting as well as CRW. Information & ResearchThere is a plethora of information available about skydiving, parachuting, and CRW in particular. The OzCRW website is a great start. If you know most of the things in this website before you start CRW you will be well advanced compared to other students. There are a million other sources of information including:
Remember, INFORMATION IS POWER!!!!! And those that have the information are the ones in control. Qualified InstructionThe person who is teaching CRW should have prior CRW experience, CRW competence, and an ability to impart knowledge to students. He should also teach in a structured and logical manner using appropriate equipment. Although it is OK to conduct non contact CRW exercises with other generally experienced canopy pilots, CRW Specific Equipment & AccessoriesTraining ProgramsAircraftDive Planningspotting other skydivers other aviation activities Exit & DeploymentSetupDockingManoeuvres & FormationsBreak OffFlight PathLandingsWeatherOther Tips
Following are notes & other ideas relevant to this section that require further development. Please ignore.
Risk factors - which formations are riskier and why? Assuming the formation mentioned below are complete, the following risks apply: planes - are the most stable due to the leading edge of the canopy of the parachutist below resting on the suspension (brake) lines of the canopy above right across the leading edge. The parachutists are almost connected together. The formation is compressed. This means that is is difficult for the bottom canopy to move independently (turn, rise, fall, etc) from the rest of the formation. stacks - stair-steps - wings -
NIGHT CANOPY FORMATIONS As well as all the day time safety considerations, the following should be considered as well:
CRW specific incident report form - way to analyse what went wrong
This site is developed and maintained by Tom Begic. Send mail to
Tom with any feedback.