If you have problems understanding CRW jumpers
and their jargon, don't worry. Study the terminology below and you'll fit in
before you get your first line burn. There are many CRW specific terms in the
glossary below. I have also attempted to define a CRW perspective on some
general skydiving terminology. If you want an explanation on materials and
rigging terminology, I strongly recommend "The Parachute Manual" by
Dan Poynter.
Term |
Definition |
Country |
Elliptical |
Canopies (wings) shaped such that
the end cells are shorter from front to back than the centre cells. |
Emergency |
situation where if no corrective action is taken, the end result may be
serious injury or death to the parachutist or damage to any object. |
Emergency Parachute |
Also called a reserve. A certified
parachute used for emergencies. |
End Cells |
The outer cells of the canopy. |
Equilibrium |
the forces of weight and aerodynamic drag are balanced. |
Equipment Check |
A systematic check of the
functionality and configuration of equipment. This is normally done when
packing, then just prior to donning the equipment & boarding the
aircraft, and then a final pin check is done on jump run. This is
especially important for CRW jumpers. |
Exhibition Jump |
Demonstration Jump. |
Exit |
The act of leaving an aircraft. |
Exit Height |
The height AGL at which
parachutists exit an aircraft. Also called Drop altitude or Exit Altitude. |
Exit Point |
The position of the aircraft
relative to a ground reference or the DZ when a jumper leaves the aircraft. See
Spotting. |
Exit Weight |
Is the total combined weight of
the jumper and all their equipment. |
F-111 |
Pronounced F one eleven. A fabric
used in the manufacture of canopies. This material is permeable and wears
faster than Zero-P material. |
Federal Aviation Administration.
The USA aviation regulatory body whose responsibility is control of USA
airspace and aviation safety. |
Aéronautique Internationale. FAI headquarters are in Lausanne,
Switzerland. The FAI sanctions official international competitions,
establishes aviation records, and governs all aviation sports. |
Fall Rate |
The speed at which a body
descends. |
Federal Aviation Regulation. |
Category Event. |
Field Pack |
Temporarily stowing a canopy into
a container so that it can be more easily transported back to the packing
area. For some, field packing means packing your canopy properly in the
field when an off DZ landing occurs. |
Finger Trap |
one tubular line inside another. Normally locked into place with a bartack
stitch. |
* |
First Jump Course.
A course of instruction that teaches sufficient theoretical and practical
knowledge so that a person becomes a competent and safe novice
parachutist. |
Flare |
A temporary decrease in forward
speed and descent rate by pulling down the trailing edge of the canopy
(pulling on your toggles). CRW parachutists often flare into their slot in
the formation and on landings. |
Floater |
A parachutist who leaves the
aircraft prior to the base and minimises his descent rate to maintain
proximity to the base. |
Fore |
of canopy (i.e. leading edge, or at A lines). |
- CRW |
group of parachutists linked together under parachute, usually in
predefined patterns. |
Freefall |
For CRW jumpers, it is the short
time from exiting an aircraft until they commence deployment of their main
parachutes. This time is used for safe separation of a deploying canopy
from the aircraft and/or to control the amount of separation and
positioning of each team member. For others, it is a time factor added for
parachutists who are incapable of locating and utilising the main
deployment system. ;) See RW. |
Parachuting |
various manoeuvres whilst under parachute. The type of manoeuvres is
limited only by ones skill, imagination, and the aerodynamic capabilities
of the equipment they are using. |
Burns |
heat caused by rapid relative movement of mediums in contact with one
another. These can occur to persons or equipment and usually ends in pain,
cosmetic equipment damage, or real equipment damage. More common in CRW
due to the frequency & magnitude of exposure to surfaces rubbing
together. In fabrics, the tensile strength is reduced and individual
fibres are either damaged of they deteriorate. See Line
Burns. |
FS |
Formation Skydiving. See
RW. |
Ft |
Unit of distance measure (i.e. altitude). |
Funnel |
of a formations equilibrium due to disturbances in the aerodynamics of
that formation. Also when the structure of a formation is dramatically
altered due to being exposed to unplanned forces (i.e someone stuffed up
;) ). |
AAD made by FXC corporation & later by Parachutes de France. |
G |
g |
due to gravity (9.81 m/s2) |
G |
Class) - Parachuting. |
G |
of gravity force on an aircraft under acceleration. |
- Force |
measure of the interaction between the force of gravitational attraction
and an objects motion relative to the centre of that force. |
* |
Ghost Plane |
A biplane is built. The pilot
locks his feet into the risers and the bottom person cuts away. The pilot
then flies off with both main canopies. |
Glide Ratio |
The ratio of horizontal distance
travelled to vertical distance descended. |
Gloves |
A compulsory accessory for CRW
jumpers used to prevent line burn. They are also beneficial for line,
toggle, and riser grip. |
Goggles |
see through accessory that covers the eyes to protect them from the force
of rapid air flow. |
Positioning System. A system of navigation developed by the USA military.
USA GNSS System managed by the Departments of Defense and Transportation. |
Device |
GPS device gives you information such as ground location, ground speed,
wind speed & direction (must use ASI of aircraft in conjunction with
GPS device), heading, track, etc. An invaluable tool to assist with
spotting, especially for CRW jumpers and when visibility is not the best. |
Gravity |
The force that attracts all
objects back to earth. It is what makes us descend. |
Grip |
way parachutists connect their limbs and equipment is called the grip. The
detail of grips is defined in competition rules and/or in pre-jump
briefings. |
Grommet |
metal eyelet used to reinforce holes in fabric where other components are
designed to pass through (e.g. suspension lines passing through slider
grommets). |
Ground Speed |
velocity and direction of an object flying through the air, in relation to
references on the ground (or as measured on the ground). See Air
Speed. |
Ground to Air |
manoeuvres filmed by persons on the ground. Predominantly used for judging
purposes in training & competitions. Removed from competition in ?????. See
Air to Air. |
Hand Deploy |
A pilot chute that is manually
deployed by the jumper by removing the pilot chute from its pouch and
exposing it to the airflow. |
Tacking |
sewing as opposed to using a sewing machine. Used for temporary or minor
repairs or alterations. |
Hard Pull |
Where the parachutist has
difficulty extracting the pilot chute from its pouch. Usually caused by a
packing or configuration error. |
Hardware |
components used in parachute systems. |
Harness / Container |
A permanent configuration of
materials designed to hold the canopies and deployment systems and then to
distribute the opening shock and the weight of the load whilst in use. |
Hazards |
Obstacles or features
that the parachutist may interact with that may cause injury or death to the parachutist. |
Heading |
direction that on object faces whilst flying through the air. |
Helmet |
shell fitted to the head of a parachutist. It is designed to protect the
parachutist from any accidental impacts. Helmets are also used to carry
camera equipment used to shoot air to air video. |
Height |
vertical distance from a given height datum such as the take-off place.
See Altitude. |
Hesitation |
when the pilot chute is caught in
the burble during deployment. Usually cleared by exposing the pilot chute
to airflow. |
Holding |
Facing the canopy into the wind to
minimise ground speed. Usually used in stronger winds or when at higher
altitude and too close to the target. |
Hook Knife |
Used to cut suspension lines
or other materials if involved in an unmanageable wrap or
entanglement. There are a variety of designs. Compulsory for CRW jumpers. |
Hook Turn |
aggressive turned initiated at relatively low altitudes. The aim is to
maximise air speed to give a longer and flatter flare for landing. |
Hop 'n' Pop |
Commencing the deployment very
soon after exiting the aircraft. |
Expansion |
part of the deployment sequence where the canopy transitions from its
packed (no air) state until bottom skin pressurisation (i.e. the bottom
surface is spread out but the cells are not necessarily inflated yet). |
Hot Fuel |
the aircraft whilst the engines are still running. |
hPa |
Pascal. Pressure unit equal to a millibar. |
I |
Airspeed. |
Civil Aviation Organisation. The headquarters are in Montreal, Canada. |
Date |
the packing cycle (indicated by a date on the packing card) of a reserve
parachute has not been exceeded. This cycle is currently 6 months in
Australia. Out of Date indicates that the reserve must be inspected and
repacked prior to use. |
Inertia |
to changes in motion. |
Inflation |
period from horizontal expansion commencing (just after line stretch) to
full pressurisation of a canopy. Also called development, canopy filling
and deployment. |
Inspection |
systematic process of validating the airworthiness of each component in a
parachute system. |
Instructor |
A parachutist who is certified and
capable of teaching student and novice parachutists the skills required to
attain various ratings and licenses. See Tutor. |
Insurance |
management against loss (usually financial). Due to the possibility of
injury or incident, it is good risk management strategy to insure various
aspects of your involvement in parachuting. |
Parachuting / Sporting
License |
yearly license issued by national parachuting organisations on behalf of
the FAI. It is necessary in order to participate in sports parachuting
activities around the world. |
International Parachuting
Commission. The subset of the FAI that controls all Sport Parachuting
activity. See FAI. |
J |
Jack the Ripper |
hook knife most commonly used amongst CRW jumpers. See Hook
Knife. |
JM |
A senior parachutist in command of
all jumpers on a load from emplaning to exiting. A JM can also be a
qualified instructor in charge of students. |
Judge |
A trained official who assesses
the performance of competition or performance parachutists. |
Jump Run |
The final approach of the aircraft
to the pre-determined exit point and altitude. The airspeed is usually
reduced just prior to exiting. |
Jumpmaster |
See JM. |
Jumpsuit |
suit with particular design characteristics worn by parachutists. |
Key |
signal indicating completion of a manoeuvre/formation and readiness to
progress to the next manoeuvre or formation. |
Kevlar |
very strong, resistant, light, aramid fibre with low resistance to
abrasion and sunlight. |
Kit |
British term for rig or gear. |
UK |
Knife |
Hook Knife. |
Knots |
measurement used in aviation to indicate air speed, etc. Units are Nm per
Hour. |
L |
Landing |
final part of the descent where the parachutist returns to the ground. It
usually involves a deceleration and increase in relative lift. |
- Bar |
used to connect harness material together. Most often used to connect
risers to the harness. Lower bulk than the 3 ring system but you cannot
disconnect it without tools. |
Leading Edge |
front edge of the parachute. Also referred to as the nose. It is where air
is rammed into the canopy to keep the wing pressurised. |
Strap |
part of the harness that wraps around the parachutists leg. Location
to stow pilot chute, usually on the right leg strap. Used less frequently
nowadays. See BOC. |
L/D |
Lift to Drag. A ratio of the lift
generated by the canopy to the aerodynamic drag produced. |
Webs |
upper front part of the harness webbing. |
Lightning |
A canopy developed by Performance
Designs, a USA based manufacturer. |
Line Burn |
suspension lines rub quickly against either the parachutist or equipment
resulting in heat being generated. This often leads to material damage or
minor injury. See Friction Burns. |
Line Dock |
Riser Dock. |
First Deployment |
lines are exposed to airflow prior to the canopy (e.g. D-Bag). |
Line of Flight |
considered to be a line matching the velocity vector of an aircraft when
the parachutist exits (the way the plane is facing when you jump out). |
* |
Over |
malfunction where the lines (usually brake lines) are forced around canopy
material during inflation. |
Stowing |
holding the lines into place so that lines do not tangle during deployment
on future descents. Usually stowed in rubber bands contained within the
tail pocket on the top trailing edge of CRW canopies. |
Stretch |
part of the deployment sequence where all suspension lines have been
forced out of stowage and are under full tension but prior to the canopy
starting horizontal expansion. |
Twists |
malfunction caused by the deploying pack or canopy rotating whilst being
lifted out of the container. Usually cleared by an opposing scissor kick
motion. |
Load Bearing Rib |
The rib on a parachute where the suspension lines are attached to. Hence the
weight of the suspended load is held by these ribs and the pressurised
canopy. See Ribs and Non Load
Bearing Ribs. |
Load Organiser |
parachutist who devises a plan for the descent and then instructs the
participants on what their individual tasks are throughout the descent. |
Off Slot |
a CRW parachutist positions the end cells of his canopy onto the legs of two
parachutists above. The two parachutists above each take a leg grip on opposite
end cells. For example, the bottom slot on a diamond formation. |
Log Book |
Parachutists are required to keep
a record of all their jumping activities. These records include all
equipment used, references to time and location, and people involved. Each
record should be signed by another experienced parachutist or an
instructor. |
M |
M |
Unit of distance measure. |
Main |
The main parachute of a dual
parachute system. This is the parachute that we plan to utilise on each
jump. See Reserve. |
Maintenance |
Inspection and repair of parachute
components. |
Alteration |
the design of a parachute system from the original manufacturers
specifications. An alteration that if improperly done
will affect the safe operation of a parachute system. |
Major Repair |
of components of a parachute system to the manufacturers original
specifications. A repair that if improperly done
will affect the safe operation of a parachute system. It includes
replacement of major structural or load bearing components. |
Malfunction |
A partial or complete failure of a
parachute system such that opening and descent are adversely affected.
When a parachute assembly does not function properly. |
Manifest |
responsible for scheduling daily parachuting activities. Also
documentation showing details regarding participation in parachuting
activities. |
Meatie |
A person who
only indulges in freefall
activities. The mortal enemy of all die hard CRW jumpers. Also called Meat
Missile. |
Minor Repair |
Repairs other than major repairs.
Cosmetic repairs, equipment configurations, replacing consumables.
See Major Repairs. |
Microline |
gauge nylon material used for suspension lines on modern canopies. It size
reduces parasitic drag. |
* |
Mil Spec |
Military Specification. Military
organisations set standards that must be met for any goods and/or services
that they procure. In this context, it is specifically related to
parachute components and systems. |
Modification |
- |
* |
Per Hour. A speed measurement. 1m = 1.6km |
N |
National Aeronautical Association.
The organisation representing the FAI in the USA. The USPA is a division
of the NAA. |
Airsport Control. |
NAS-804 |
Aircraft Standards specification which covers the standards for parachutes
to be used in aircraft. |
Needle |
device used for guiding threads through other materials. |
Night Jump |
A jump made
from one hour after sunset to one hour
before sunrise. |
Australia |
Nose |
Leading Edge. |
Nm |
Mile. Unit of distance measure used in aviation and marine industries. 1nm
= 1.852km. |
Non Load Bearing Ribs |
The ribs on a parachute between the suspension lines. The lines are not
attached to these ribs, hence they do not bear the weight of the suspended
load. See Load Bearing Ribs and
Ribs. |
NOtice To AirMen. A notice filed
by an airspace user with ATC to advise other air users of activity in an
area. |
Novice |
A parachutist who has completed
the first phase of training but still requires the guidance of senior
instructors. |
of Proposed Rule Making. A CASA & FAA aviation law making procedure. |
Australia |
Nylon |
strong, elastic, synthetic material derived from coal/air/water used in
the manufacture of materials used in parachuting equipment. |
O |
Off DZ Landing |
the parachute away from the intended target or DZ. |
Formation |
formation predominantly made up of stair-step docks and/or Diamonds.
Examples include the Kite and Wedge from the FAI 8 way speed competition
dive pool. |
Heading |
the fully deployed parachute faces the line of flight of the aircraft (or
the desired heading). |
Open Body of Water |
Any body of water in which it is
realistically possible for a parachutist to drown in. |
- Close |
docking technique involving two parachutists (base - pin). They fly
adjacent to each other with one slightly above the other whilst
maintaining a heading. Then they both turn towards each other (open) until
the nearest end cells are aligned, and then they face back on heading
(close). The top person locks his feet into the centre A-lines of the
bottom person. If done correctly, this is a more efficient (faster)
alternative to the technique used by lessor experienced people. This
technique involves the pilot (base) keeping a heading and applying some
brakes whilst the pin flies into the correct position and then does a
stack dock. |
* |
Opening Point |
The location above a ground
reference where a parachutist opens. See Spotting. |
Opening Shock |
This is the force of deceleration
experienced by a parachutist from the time deployment is commenced until a
fully inflated canopy is achieved. This is affected by factors including
velocity, weight, atmospheric conditions, canopy design, deployment
technique, etc. CRW canopies tend to open faster than
standard skydiving canopies. Hence the opening force is greater. |
Time |
time from initiating deployment until full pressurisation. |
OR |
Operational Regulations.
set of rules & regulations controlling all sport parachuting
activities in Australia. It is administered by the APF on behalf of CASA. |
Australia |
Oscillation |
Irregular movements (swaying,
swinging, compressing) in a CRW formation caused by incompatibility or
poor technique. Also a parachutist swinging underneath a canopy. |
Otter |
twin engine turbine aircraft made by de Havilland in Canada. |
Outward / Outboard |
Facing the outside or away from
the centre. |
Out Landing |
parachute landing away from the intended landing area or DZ. See Off DZ
Landing. |
P |
Pack |
The complete parachute assembly
excluding the actual harness. |
A |
person trained and qualified to pack reserve & emergency parachutes. |
Australia |
Packing |
a parachute into the container harness system according to manufacturers
specifications. |
Packing Card |
log of packing & rigging history of a reserve & container/harness
system. |
Paddle |
tool. A long flat aluminium bar used to assist in spreading bulk in a
packed parachute. |
Volume |
total volume that a canopy occupies in its packed state. |
Tray |
portion of the container that you place a canopy (or D-Bag) onto when
packing. |
Parachute |
"Para" is a French term
for "guard against", and "chute" means
"fall". It is a deployable deceleration device and/or a
fluid wing used in the activity of parachuting. It is designed to slow the
descent of a falling load to a speed that makes landings consistently liveable. A parachute is made from
fabric and suspension lines. Technology has moved the function of
parachutes closer to flying wings and further from just deceleration
devices. |
Parachutist |
A person intentionally involved in
parachuting activities. |
Performance Records |
When parachutists attempt records
outside of competition environs. These may include large formation records
and jump quantity. |
Permeability |
Parachutists know this as how much
air can pass through the material of a canopy. It is a measure of the
volume of air that passes through a given area of material per unit time
at a given pressure. See CRM & Porosity. |
Parachute Industry Association. An
association of organisations involved in the parachuting industry. This
includes manufacturers, suppliers, & training organisations. |
Pilot Chute (P/C) |
A small, round parachute whose
function is to initiate or accelerate the deployment sequence. It is usually hand
deployed in CRW. The pilot chute needs to be retracted after deployment.
See Retraction System. |
Pin |
metal device inserted through a closing loop in order to keep a container
closed. It is pulled free during the deployment sequence. |
Protector Flap |
piece of material that covers the closing pin. Its function is to protect
the pin from premature removal. |
Pin Check |
Equipment Check. |
Pit / Peas |
area filled with or covered by gravel/stones. A porous surface designed to
absorb the impact of a landing parachutist. |
Plane |
A vertical CRW formation where the
feet of the parachutist above are positioned at the risers of the parachutist below.
This is most commonly achieved by either stack docking and then moving
down the lines or by riser docking. See Open - Close. |
Planing |
Transitioning from a stack
formation to a plane formation. Achieved by the parachutist below applying
a little brakes to help create some relative lift and/or by the
parachutist above simply "pulling" himself down the lines. |
Parachute Landing Fall. A landing
method whose aim is to absorb or distribute the force of landing onto several body
parts instead of just the legs. The sequence is feet, knees, hips, roll,
etc. |
Poised Exit |
Where the parachutist uses the
external structures of an aircraft to assist in gaining a stable position. |
Porosity |
know this incorrectly as how much air passes through canopy material
(permeability). It is actually the ratio of open space to total area of a
material. |
Porter |
aircraft made by Pilatus in Switzerland. |
Post Dive |
term often used in conjunction with debrief to indicate a discussion about
a parachute jump after the descent is completed. |
Premature Opening |
Premmie. When a parachute opens
unintentionally prior to planned opening height. |
Maintenance |
inspections and replacement of wearing components in a parachute system. |
Pud |
A specific type of handle used on
some pilot chutes and deployment handles. |
Pull Out |
A hand deployed pilot chute system.
The parachutist opens the container, pulls the pilot chute out, releases
it into the relative air flow, and then the parachute is extracted. See Throw Out. |
Pull Up Cord |
piece of thin material used for leverage when closing a container. It is
passed through the closing loop and flap grommets prior to the pin being
inserted through the closing loop. |
This list is derived from Tom Begic with reference to the
APF, USPA, BPA, The Skydivers Handbook, The Parachute Manual, and various internet sites.