If you have problems understanding CRW jumpers
and their jargon, don't worry. Study the terminology below and you'll fit in
before you get your first line burn. There are many CRW specific terms in the
glossary below. I have also attempted to define a CRW perspective on some
general skydiving terminology. If you want an explanation on materials and
rigging terminology, I strongly recommend "The Parachute Manual" by
Dan Poynter.
Term |
Definition |
Country |
Automatic Activation Device. A
device that measures barometric pressure and converts it into a relative
height AGL and rate of descent. Once a preset altitude and rate of descent
are achieved, the device activates the reserve parachute. There are also
time activated AAD's & AAD's that activate the main parachute. Modern
AAD's tend to be based on pyrotechnic & electronic technology. Others
were based on mechanical technology. |
AC |
Advisory Circular. A publication
produced by the FAA to explain the FAR's. |
A/C |
Aircraft. |
Accuracy |
Accuracy involves landing
precisely onto a predetermined landing point. |
AD |
Airworthiness Directive. Produced
by the FAA. |
Friction |
floating friction grip adapter which allows for quick harness adjustment. |
Aerodynamics |
study of interaction between force, relative motion, and fluids (e.g.
study of parachute flight through air). |
Aft |
of canopy (i.e. trailing edge, D, or brake lines). |
Above Ground Level. The altitude
above the ground. |
Aircraft |
A device that is intended for
flight in air. |
Airing |
act of exposing as much of the parachute material to air as possible for
the purpose of drying. May be required after passing through clouds or on
a rainy day. |
Airspeed |
The speed of a flying object
(canopy or aircraft) through the air. It equals the ground speed if there is
no wind present or is a function of ground speed and wind. See Ground
Speed. |
* |
Air to Air |
manoeuvres filmed by another parachutist who flies in the air with the
performers/athletes. Used for training debriefs, judging in competitions,
or vanity. See Ground to Air. |
Alteration |
Modifications or changes to the
original configuration or design of equipment from its original manufacturers
specifications. |
Alti |
Altimeter. A
mechanical device that measures
barometric pressure and then converts this figure into a relative altitude.
The altimeter should be calibrated (set to zero at ground level) prior
each jump. If calibrated, the altimeter displays the height AGL. See
Relative Altitude & Altitude. |
Altitude |
distance. Usually measured as a relative
height AGL of an object in the air to the ground below. Europeans tend to use the metric system (metres) and most
other nations tend to use the imperial system (feet). See Relative
Altitude & Alti. |
Above Mean Sea Level. The altitude
above mean sea level. This figure is used by the aviation industry to
assist in vertical separation of aircraft. This is due to the AGL figure changing
whenever the topography (ground height) changes. |
Aneroid |
device that senses changes in barometric pressure. Used in many
altimeters. |
Angle of Attack |
The angle that the parachute is
presented to the relative wind. This changes as the various control inputs
are used. Technically it is angle between the chord line and the
parachutes velocity vector. |
Angle of Incidence |
The angle at which the canopy is
trimmed to glide through the air. It is determined by the relative
length of the suspension lines. If the A lines are much shorter than the D
lines, then the canopy is said to have a high (steep) angle of incidence.
Otherwise it has a low (shallow) angle of incidence. |
Australian Parachute Federation
The organisation delegated to represent the FAI in all matters relating to
sport parachuting activities in Australia & its territories. It is the
governing body of sport parachuting in Australia. |
Australia |
Apparent Wind |
The wind as perceived by an
observer. |
Approved |
An item of equipment which has
received official certification from the FAA. This approval is usually
indicated by a TSO label or military designation (NAF, AAF, AN, etc).
Altering the design may invalidate the approval. |
Arch |
To adjust your body position such
that it is more aerodynamic. This involves pushing your hips forward and
forcing your arms and legs backwards. The result is an increase in descent
rate. |
AS-8015A |
Aerospace Standard 8015A.
Published by the American Society of Automotive Engineers. This sets the
standards which parachuting equipment must meet in order to receive
approval under TSO C-23e. |
Speed Indicator. A device that measures and displays air speed. |
Area Safety Officer. An
official of the APF responsible for overseeing safety on a regional basis.
See DZSO & Director Safety. |
Australia |
Astra |
An AAD made by FXC
Corporation from the USA. |
Aspect Ratio (AR) |
The ratio between the span (width)
and the chord (length) of a wing. Seven cell canopies tend to have a lower aspect ratio than higher performance elliptical
canopies. |
Assisted Deployment |
When someone or something else
apart from the parachutist commences the deployment sequence. One
technique is the PCA (pilot chute assist). |
Air Mass |
air mass that moves with the canopy in flight. |
* |
Air Traffic Control. |
Up Weight / Mass. |
Auxiliary Parachute |
Pilot chute in the UK, and reserve
parachute in most other locations. |
B |
Pad |
integrated into the harness and lies between the parachutist and harness.
It provides comfort, and a sweat barrier. |
Bag Lock |
high speed malfunction where the canopy remains enclosed in the D-Bag
during the deployment sequence. |
Rubber |
circular piece of elastic material used to secure suspension lines in
place. These are normally stowed into a tail pocket on CRW canopies. |
Bartack |
stitching used at high strain areas such as line attachment points. |
Roll |
complex, difficult, and dangerous manoeuvre where a parachutist performs a
360 degree spin/rotation in the vertical axis. |
Base |
In CRW, the Base is usually the
pilot of the formation and is the foundation and reference on which any
CRW formation is built. The Base could also involve multiple jumpers,
depending on the size of the formation. |
Base - Pin |
The Base person usually exits the
aircraft with or just after the Pin and they try to link together as
quickly and safely as possible. The speed and smoothness of the Base - Pin has a major
impact on the final result. |
BASE Jumping |
BASE is an acronym for Building,
Antenna, Span (bridge), and Earth (cliff). Base Jumping is the act of
parachuting from fixed objects. |
- Plane |
CRW formation involving two parachutists combined in a planed formation. |
Blanketing |
reversal of air flow & turbulence opposing the intended action of a
deceleration device. |
* |
Out |
Cell. When a cell) suffers catastrophic failure to the point where the
flying characteristics are altered to the point where it may be unsafe to
land the parachute. |
Board of Directors |
- |
Bottom of Container.
The pilot chute is stowed in a pocket which is sewn onto the outside of
the bottom flap of the main container. The BOC is the most common
location for modern pilot chute stowage. See Throw
Out. |
Bodkin |
tool (usually T shaped = T Bodkin) used to draw material through holes
such as reserve closing loops through grommets. |
Body Position |
A jumpers posture and position
upon exiting an aircraft, in freefall, and under canopy. |
Boogie |
A special gathering of
parachutists who are usually focused on fun, specific skill development,
and similar interests. |
Skin Pressurisation |
part of the deployment sequence where the bottom surface is fully exposed
to the air flow but the cells may not have pressurised at this stage. |
Bounce |
incident usually
resulting in injury or death. Also called: "go in", "frap
in", etc. |
Box-man |
Face to earth body position. This
is a desired exit position in CRW and is where the jumper arches, forms right angles
with his arms at the shoulder and elbow, legs are spread, and the knees are bent at
45 degrees. |
Brake Lines
/ Brakes |
lines are the most commonly used control inputs on a canopy for most
parachutists. They are used to control speed, direction, and relative
descent rate. They connect the toggles to the trailing edge
of the canopy. CRW jumpers tend to use risers in conjunction with the
brake lines to control the flight of a canopy. |
Breakaway |
Cutaway. |
Break cord |
connecting parachute components that is designed to break under certain
loading criteria during the deployment sequence. |
Strength |
force or tension required to break a material. |
Break Off |
When a CF reaches a certain
altitude (approximately 2500 feet), or when the planned manoeuvres have
been completed, the parachutists separate and fly away from each other. This is
required for safety reasons. |
Breathing |
during flight as a pulsating action in a parachute and is caused by minor
variations in air pressure and flow in and around the parachute. |
Bridle |
This is either
suspension line or webbing
material that attaches the pilot chute to the canopy or deployment
device. |
BSR's |
Basic Safety Requirements. The
minimum requirements to ensure safe sport parachuting activities. |
- Gen |
Buckle |
used to attach two pieces of material. |
Buffer |
placed between load bearing components in hardware and webbing to minimise
damage to webbing. |
Slider |
of material placed over connector links to prevent damage to suspension
lines when the slider is forced onto the connector links during
deployment. |
Burble |
The area of turbulence
(low pressure / interrupted air flow) behind any object exposed to a relative air flow.
This can occur in freefall and under canopy. There is a low pressure area
behind a persons back when in face to earth freefall. |
Call |
Indicates how long until the next
aircraft sortie will depart (e.g 15 minute call). |
Camera Jump |
a parachutist carries & utilises a recording device whilst in the air.
Normally performed for the purposes of technical debriefing of jumps, to
be able to present evidence of performance to a judging panel, to record
events for posterity, etc. |
Canopy |
considered to be the material & lines of the parachute. Also a term
used for the complete deployed assembly. See Parachute. |
Dock |
Riser Dock. |
First Deployment |
the canopy is presented to airflow prior to the suspension lines. |
Inflation Time |
time elapsed from line stretch to full canopy pressurisation. |
Release System |
system where the risers are able to separate from the harness. See Cutaway
& Three Ring. |
Canopy Transfer |
Deploying the reserve canopy prior
to jettisoning the main canopy. May be required on a malfunctioning main
parachute at very low altitudes, where there is insufficient altitude to
release the main parachute and deploy the reserve. |
Aviation Regulation. |
Australia |
Civil Aviation Safety Authority.
The organisation governing aviation safety in Australia. |
Australia |
Cascade |
The point where two lines join
together into one. This reduces bulk and drag. |
d'Aéronautique Sportive Internationale. |
Canopy Crest Recipient. |
Canopy Crest Soloist. |
Cell |
Ram air square canopies comprise
of a number of pressurised cells. The suspension lines attach to the load
bearing ribs on the side of each cell. Each cell is usually split into
several smaller "compartments" by non - load bearing ribs. The
cell is pressurised by air rapidly entering through the opening (nose) at
the leading edge or by air moving sideways through the cross-ports
of adjacent cells. Some canopies have mesh covered holes in the bottom
skin (vents), that also allow air to flow in. |
Centre |
The reference point or line around
which movement (or manoeuvres) is related to. |
Lines |
lines (groups A, B, C, D) immediately adjacent to the centre point
of the span of a canopy. |
of Gravity |
point in an object where we consider the force of gravity to be
concentrated. |
of Mass |
point where we consider the total combined mass of an object or formation
to be located with regards to motion. |
* |
Certified |
that is TSO approved or personnel approved for particular functions
&/or responsibilities by their regulating organisation. See TSO. |
CF |
Canopy Formation. See CRW. |
Feet per Minute. A measure of permeability. See Permeability. |
Mounted |
or accessories attached to the front of the body. It is connected to the
main lift web (usually via rings sewn into the harness), or via straps
around the parachutists body. The term usually refers to a tertiary
mounted parachute or a weights contained in bags (with cutaway system). |
Chop |
for Cutaway. |
Chord |
The distance from the leading edge
(front) of a parachute to the trailing edge (tail). |
Chute |
of the term "parachute". |
Closing Loop |
The closing pin is inserted
through this loop during the latter stages of the packing process to
ensure the container remains closed until deployment is commenced. It
holds all the flaps of a container together & the container closed. |
Closing Speed |
The speed at which two bodies
approach each other. |
Cloth Extensions |
Small pieces of cloth material
sewn into jumpsuits whose function is to decrease fall rates and increase
glide ratio. See Wingsuits. |
Coach |
A person employed to assist a team
or individual improve their performance using psychological, motivational,
practical, and skill development techniques. A coach is considered
compulsory for all high performance athletes. A coach usually has
performed at a high level in the particular discipline and has the ability
to impart knowledge to the parachutists being coached. |
Compatible |
When two
or more canopies and their pilots
have similar forward speeds, descent rates, and general flying
characteristics. It also refers to items of equipment
that have proved via testing to function correctly when configured together.
See Configuration. |
Competition |
a group of individuals &/or teams compete against each other whilst
following a specific set of rules or guidelines related to that activity.
The activities are usually judged by an impartial & qualified judge. |
Configuration |
A term usually related to
equipment. It defines how various components of a system are connected
together. It is important that equipment is compatible. Configurations
should be tested &/or assessed by qualified persons. |
Connector Links |
a connection between risers and suspension lines. They are also used in
other areas including some bridle attachments. The most commonly used are
Rapide links. Soft links are also used. |
Container |
The container is
one component of the parachute assembly. It is permanently
attached to the harness and encloses both the main and reserve parachutes
in separate compartments. |
Control Lines |
rearmost lines on a canopy. Also called the brake lines. They are attached
from the trailing edge of a canopy to the steering toggles. |
Crabbing |
Flying at an angle to the relative
wind. A technique often used when making the landing target is
questionable. |
Cross-ports |
Vents cut into the ribs of
canopies to allow air flow between adjacent cells and ensure even
pressurisation. |
Cross Connectors |
These can either run from front to
rear risers on either side, or across the front risers. Their main
function is during plane formations to prevent a person from sliding up the lines
and deforming
the canopy. They can also be used on student gear |
Canopy Relative Work.
It is the discipline of intentionally flying open parachutes in close
proximity to or in contact
with other parachutes. See CF. |
Canopy Relative Work
Crest. An award given to a parachutist who participates in an FAI
recognised, 8 way CRW formation. |
Australia |
Currency |
The recency and frequency of a
persons jumping activities. The less current you are, the less jumps you
have made in recent times. Un-current jumpers require guidance from
instructors prior to resuming normal jumping activity. |
Cutaway |
a main parachute by disconnecting the main risers from the harness. It is a standard emergency procedure
normally performed
prior to utilising a reserve parachute. The term originated from the act
of physically cutting risers or suspension lines to release a main
parachute prior to the development of the Capewell & 3 Ring release
systems. |
Cutaway Handle |
Usually located on the right lift
web of the harness. When pulled, you are said to be performing a cutaway. |
CYbernetic Parachute RElease
System. An AAD made by Airtec GmbH of
Germany. It comprises release, control, and processing units.
The processing unit is usually mounted on the bottom flap inside the
reserve container. An expert CYPRES activates when the descent rate
exceeds 115 fps when passing through an altitude of 750 ft. This is the
most popular AAD unit in the Sport Parachuting market today. |
D |
Dacron |
Common material used in the
manufacture of suspension lines. Due to wear & tear and the risk of
line burns, CRW canopies tend to use thicker lines than freefall canopies,
especially the centre A lines, end cell A lines, and brake lines. Dacron
has lower elasticity but greater durability than nylon. |
Chain |
of gathering suspension line during field packing. |
Damping |
oscillations or existence away from an equilibrium. |
D-Bag |
Deployment Bag. The bag in which a
parachute is packed prior to packing into the container. It's functions
include promoting a sequential deployment, slowing the opening (reducing
opening shock), location to stow the suspension lines, and making the pack job neater. It is rarely used in CRW. |
De-arch |
The opposite of arching. To
flatten the body position & reduce descent rate but create the
potential for greater instability. |
Decelerate |
down. Usually achieved via increasing air resistance (more air molecules)
or altering the flight characteristics of a body (de-arching) or parachute
(flaring) whereby greater drag is induced. |
Decision Altitude |
The altitude at which parachutists
have been trained or pre-planned to begin emergency procedures. |
Demonstration Jump |
parachute descent usually made away from an
established DZ for the purpose of entertaining the public. |
Deployment |
The sequence between
pack opening or initiating pilot chute release, and line
stretch. |
Deployment System |
The components of a parachute
system that deploy a canopy. In CRW, these components typically include a pilot
chute, bridle, closing loop/pin, tail pocket, and pilot chute retraction
system. |
Deployment Device |
A D-Bag, sleeve, diaper,
pilot chute, or other
device used to initiate deployment and/or promote a sequential deployment of a parachute and to
reduce opening shock. |
Method |
technique used to initiate the deployment sequence. These include pilot
chute assist, static line, hand deployed, ripcord, D-Bag, etc, |
Diamant |
A CRW specific canopy made by The
Parachute Shop, Bensancon, France. It was designed for use as a sequential
canopy. |
* |
Diaper |
A deployment device attached to
the bottom of a round canopy or the top of a ram air canopy. It prevents
canopy inflation until line stretch and keeps the canopy shape intact
until then. |
of Safety |
highly experienced elected official responsible for overseeing all matters
related to parachuting safety in Australia. See ASO &
Australia |
Direct Supervision |
Where skydiving activity is
supervised by a qualified person who is physically present at the time. |
Dirt Dive |
Rehearsing a parachute jump. There
are many techniques including practically running through the jump on the
ground, mental visualisation, modified practical / mental rehearsal in the
plane. |
Dock |
Where one parachutist positions
their parachute to link with another parachutist. |
Dock - Plane |
Plane. |
Dock - Stack |
Stack. |
Dock - Stairstep |
Stairstep |
Dock - Wing |
Wing Dock. |
or Shutdown Sunday |
a severe rear riser stall on some canopies (e.g. PD Lightning with
rotations trim and several hundred jumps) will cause the leading edge of
opposite end cells to touch each other whilst the centre is clear. |
Down Plane |
Two or more
linked parachutists flying straight
towards the ground (leading edge pointing to ground). They are usually
linked at the body and their canopies are separated. |
Down the Back |
Rotations technique involved the pilot stalling his canopy over the back
of the formation and then intentionally using the burble to fall faster to
the bottom slot. There were two negatives, flying an inefficient wing in
turbulent air meant losing some control, and you had to cover more
distance getting over the second canopy. See Sashay. |
Drag |
of three main forces acting on an non-powered wing. It inhibits canopy
performance (glide, descent rate, etc) by subtracting from beneficial lift
and weight forces. See Lift & Weight. |
Drag Plane |
Three or more parachutists build a
plane and the bottom parachutist(s) fly their canopies "upside
down". |
Drift |
wind induced component of horizontal displacement of a parachutist over
ground during descent. Usually checked using a WDI or by visual
references. |
D-Ring |
metal fitting usually sewn into the main lift webs. Often used to connect
tertiary parachutes and weight & flag bags via snap on connectors. |
Drop the Bomb |
A quad is built. The two middle
parachutists hold together whilst the pilot locks his feet into the 2nd
persons risers. The 2nd person cuts away and the pilot flies off with the
ghost plane. The 3rd and 4th persons create a down plane whilst the second
still holds on. When the down plane is broken off, the second person drops
away and then deploys the reserve. |
Dytter |
An audible warning device made by Larsen
& Brusgaard of Denmark. |
Dual Assembly |
A parachute system containing a
harness/container, main and reserve parachute, and associated deployment systems. |
DZ |
Drop Zone. A specified area where
parachutists are permitted and plan to land. This is usually at a registered skydiving centre or
in other varying locations for display jumps. |
Zone Safety Officer. The person responsible for overall safety at a
particular drop zone during parachuting operations. See ASO & Director
Safety. |
Australia |
This list is derived from Tom Begic with reference to the
APF, USPA, BPA, The Skydivers Handbook, The Parachute Manual, and various internet sites.